Tuesday 6 December 2011

Mission Statement

Spencer’s new magazine ‘Sounds’ is a new kind of music magazine. It’s designed for young males aged 16-24, who specifically enjoy the genre of ‘soft rock’.
Sounds is set out to entertain and also inform the readers about, artists/bands, fashion, cars, drink, gigs and also reviews. ‘Sounds’ takes a humorous and light hearted but also an intelligent view of different ideas.
Sounds will also give the chance for reader interaction, by giving them the chance to write in and give their opinion of the magazine as a whole or focus on different topics. Sounds also allows the reader to enter competitions to win lots of different prizes due to the fact of the crosswords/word searches to keep the readers brain active.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Music Fan Profile

Music Fan Profile

Shocking Rocky

Age: 16-20

What is he wearing?   As he wants to be noticed, he wears touring memorabilia with his favourite band “Coldplay” on the front. This is joined by jeans which have holes around the knees to express his freedom and his sweat stained (not normally his own sweat), dark black shoes.                             

What is he listening to?   You can hear his music blasting from either his headphones or his car as he comes down the road, He listens to the “popular” bands, new and old like Mumford and sons and Fleetwood Mac, and also who can forget his favourite band Coldplay. The music is usually very loud and he gets lots of odd looks from the, (let’s just say) the older generation.

Find him?  He will be at any of the main festivals as he wants to express his love to all music, or he will be up in his room, BLASTING his music from his, over-sized speakers.

Wants to be?  He has always been inspired to make his own band, and play sell out tours of major stadiums all around the world, and he fantasises about his dream career as he stares out of the window whilst ignoring the lecture he is getting from his teachers or boss.

Music Magazine front covers I like



1: Do you usually read Music Magazines?

          Yes                       No

2: What age group are you in?





3: Which Masthead do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         Sounds

·         Strummer

·         Beats

·         Rhythm of Life

4: Which slogan do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         The Music you love

·         Rock the nation

·         Rock the Charts

·         Music Rocks

5: How much would you pay for a music magazine? (Circle one)

·         50p-£1.00

·         £1.50-£2.00

·         £2.50-£3.00

·         £3.50-£4.00

·         £4.50-£5.00

6:  What colours would you like to see throughout the magazine? (Circle three)

·         Black

·         White

·         Red

·         Blue

·         Green

7: Which of the following topics would you like to see in the magazine? (Circle 2)

·         New Artists

·         Popular Bands

·         Latest tours and gigs

·         Concert Reviews

·         Music Competitions

8: What image would you like to see on the front cover? (Circle one)

·         Bands

·         Solo Artists

·         Instruments

Photo Shoot planning document

Shoot date and time

                                    2/12/12- 11:00
Image Description

The image will be a picture of someone holding drumsticks in-front of his face.
Shoot Location

I plan to take the picture in the music room.
Model / person contact Details
Lewis Indge- Year 12

Permission Details

I have asked the pupil if I could take the picture and he agreed straight away.
Drum Sticks

Plan of shots

I want the shots to be a medium close up shot of the drummer, and I plan to take 4 or 5 different shots, alternating between medium close up shots and close up shots.

Friday 25 November 2011

What my main image is going to be

I am thinking that my main image on my front cover will be an image of a drummer, holding drum sticks in front of their face to represent my main theme of: Soft Rock

Thinking of main image

I need to think about:
Placement of the masthead
Shot distance
Placement of text over image
Background (if any)
Who's actually on the front cover
How many people
If its appopriate with my chosen genre
Use of props
Location/Setting- Interior or Exterior
Camera Angle
Colour Scheme
Model Position
Genre of magazine
Number of shots

Sunday 9 October 2011

Photo Shoot Planning Document

Magazine Photo Shoot Planning Document

Shoot date and time

Monday 10th October.
Image Description

This photo will be a picture of a footballer taking a shot at goal.
Shoot Location

The picture will be on the school field on the football field.
Model / person contact Details
Garin Price. 12 MJJ

Permission Details

I asked Garin if I could take the photo and he was fine with it.

Plan of shots

I plan on taking 5 photos. They will all be long shots so we can see the scenery around and so I can get all of Garin into the photo. I am going to get him to do different type of shots so I can choose which one to put on my front cover. I also plan to get a picture of when the ball goes through the goal. But this will still be a long shot to show the reaction of people.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Questionnaire Evaluation

Evaluation of Questionnaire

For my first question I asked people to fill in what year they were in and they were all in year 12, as my target audience is the 6th form then this was a positive result. I decided to put all year groups in as it would be good to see the whole age groups and it gave me more choice as I could decide on who to hand my questionnaires too.  

For my second Question I asked if they usually bought magazines. This would give me an idea on if my target audience liked reading magazines. Only 2 people said that they did buy them and 4 of them said no. This gave me an idea that maybe if I had asked more people, this would be the re-occurring theme of not many people buying magazines.

For my third question I asked people what they would like to read in the magazine. The theme of “School clubs” was the most popular as it had 4 votes and the other popular one was Exam Tips with 2 votes, the others had no votes. This gave me an idea of what people would like to read about and it will help me with the final product.

For the fourth question I asked whether the price of the magazine was an issue. This gave me an idea of whether I could put a cost on the product. 4 people said that they were willing to pay money for the magazine. Whilst 2 people said that cost was an issue.

For the fifth question I asked if people would enter competitions if they were in the magazine. 1 person said yes whilst 5 said no. This told me that maybe people want to read more about the topics instead of doing little activities so it made it easier for me to realise not to put activities/competitions in.

For the sixth question I asked about the colour schemes. The colours were:

Black, Gold, Blue, Red, Purple, Orange. One person voted for all of them. 2 people voted blue. One person voted purple, one person voted orange and one person voted gold. This told me that people will like multicolours on the magazine and it also described that colour scheme will be important.

For the Seventh question I asked how much people would be willing to pay for a magazine. Everyone said that one pound would be a reasonable price. This told me that if I were to put a price tag on the magazine then people would be fine for paying a pound.

For the eighth question I asked people who they thought would read a school magazine. They had to choose from all of the years. (year 7-13)

One person voted year 9. One person voted for sixth form (year 12-13). 2 people voted for year 7 and 2 people voted year 10. This told me that people from all over the school would like to read the magazine.

For the ninth question I asked people, what they thought would be a suitable masthead. 2 people chose “School News” and 3 people chose “Too cool for School”. One person Chose Ysgol Brennin Harri’r VIII and nobody chose KHS. This told me that KHS wouldn’t be a suitable masthead and that people would be intrigued by the masthead “Too Cool for School”

For the Tenth and Final question I asked people what images they would like to see on the front cover. 3 people voted for Sports Clubs. 2 people voted for the main school and 1 person voted school resources. This told me that sports clubs should be the main images and the main school should be present somewhere.


Questionnaire for School Magazine

1)      What Year are you in?  (Circle the appropriate answer)

                                                               i.      Year 7

                                                             ii.      Year 8

                                                            iii.      Year 9

                                                           iv.      Year 10

                                                             v.      Year 11

                                                           vi.      Year 12

                                                          vii.      Year 13

2)      Do you usually buy magazines? (Circle the appropriate answer)


Yes                                         No


3)       What would you like to read about in the magazine?  (Please Tick the appropriate box)


Teacher News


Canteen News


Exam tips      


School Clubs

                                                             v.      School Trips

4)      Is the price of the magazine an issue?   (Circle the appropriate answer)

Yes                                         No

5)      If there were any competitions in the magazine would you enter them? (Circle the appropriate answer)

Yes                                         No

6)      What colours would you want on the magazine?

                                                               i.      Black

                                                             ii.      Gold

                                                            iii.      Blue

                                                           iv.      Red

                                                             v.      Purple

                                                           vi.      Orange


7)       How much would you pay for a school magazine (Over a pound)

£       .        p


8)      Who do you think would want to read a school magazine?(Circle the appropriate answer)

                                                               i.      Year 7

                                                             ii.      Year 8

                                                            iii.      Year 9

                                                           iv.      Year 10

                                                             v.      Year 11

                                                           vi.      Year 12

                                                          vii.      Year 13


9)      Which of the following mastheads do you prefer? (Circle the appropriate answer)

                                                               i.      KHS

                                                             ii.      Too Cool For School

                                                            iii.      School News

                                                           iv.      Ysgol Brenin Harrir’r VIII

10)   What images would you like to see on the front cover? (Circle the appropriate answer)

                                                               i.      Teachers

                                                             ii.      Sports clubs

                                                            iii.      The School Canteen

                                                           iv.      Drama club

                                                             v.      School Resources

                                                           vi.      The main School