Thursday 1 December 2011



1: Do you usually read Music Magazines?

          Yes                       No

2: What age group are you in?





3: Which Masthead do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         Sounds

·         Strummer

·         Beats

·         Rhythm of Life

4: Which slogan do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         The Music you love

·         Rock the nation

·         Rock the Charts

·         Music Rocks

5: How much would you pay for a music magazine? (Circle one)

·         50p-£1.00

·         £1.50-£2.00

·         £2.50-£3.00

·         £3.50-£4.00

·         £4.50-£5.00

6:  What colours would you like to see throughout the magazine? (Circle three)

·         Black

·         White

·         Red

·         Blue

·         Green

7: Which of the following topics would you like to see in the magazine? (Circle 2)

·         New Artists

·         Popular Bands

·         Latest tours and gigs

·         Concert Reviews

·         Music Competitions

8: What image would you like to see on the front cover? (Circle one)

·         Bands

·         Solo Artists

·         Instruments

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