Tuesday 6 December 2011

Mission Statement

Spencer’s new magazine ‘Sounds’ is a new kind of music magazine. It’s designed for young males aged 16-24, who specifically enjoy the genre of ‘soft rock’.
Sounds is set out to entertain and also inform the readers about, artists/bands, fashion, cars, drink, gigs and also reviews. ‘Sounds’ takes a humorous and light hearted but also an intelligent view of different ideas.
Sounds will also give the chance for reader interaction, by giving them the chance to write in and give their opinion of the magazine as a whole or focus on different topics. Sounds also allows the reader to enter competitions to win lots of different prizes due to the fact of the crosswords/word searches to keep the readers brain active.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Music Fan Profile

Music Fan Profile

Shocking Rocky

Age: 16-20

What is he wearing?   As he wants to be noticed, he wears touring memorabilia with his favourite band “Coldplay” on the front. This is joined by jeans which have holes around the knees to express his freedom and his sweat stained (not normally his own sweat), dark black shoes.                             

What is he listening to?   You can hear his music blasting from either his headphones or his car as he comes down the road, He listens to the “popular” bands, new and old like Mumford and sons and Fleetwood Mac, and also who can forget his favourite band Coldplay. The music is usually very loud and he gets lots of odd looks from the, (let’s just say) the older generation.

Find him?  He will be at any of the main festivals as he wants to express his love to all music, or he will be up in his room, BLASTING his music from his, over-sized speakers.

Wants to be?  He has always been inspired to make his own band, and play sell out tours of major stadiums all around the world, and he fantasises about his dream career as he stares out of the window whilst ignoring the lecture he is getting from his teachers or boss.

Music Magazine front covers I like



1: Do you usually read Music Magazines?

          Yes                       No

2: What age group are you in?





3: Which Masthead do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         Sounds

·         Strummer

·         Beats

·         Rhythm of Life

4: Which slogan do you prefer? (Circle one)

·         The Music you love

·         Rock the nation

·         Rock the Charts

·         Music Rocks

5: How much would you pay for a music magazine? (Circle one)

·         50p-£1.00

·         £1.50-£2.00

·         £2.50-£3.00

·         £3.50-£4.00

·         £4.50-£5.00

6:  What colours would you like to see throughout the magazine? (Circle three)

·         Black

·         White

·         Red

·         Blue

·         Green

7: Which of the following topics would you like to see in the magazine? (Circle 2)

·         New Artists

·         Popular Bands

·         Latest tours and gigs

·         Concert Reviews

·         Music Competitions

8: What image would you like to see on the front cover? (Circle one)

·         Bands

·         Solo Artists

·         Instruments

Photo Shoot planning document

Shoot date and time

                                    2/12/12- 11:00
Image Description

The image will be a picture of someone holding drumsticks in-front of his face.
Shoot Location

I plan to take the picture in the music room.
Model / person contact Details
Lewis Indge- Year 12

Permission Details

I have asked the pupil if I could take the picture and he agreed straight away.
Drum Sticks

Plan of shots

I want the shots to be a medium close up shot of the drummer, and I plan to take 4 or 5 different shots, alternating between medium close up shots and close up shots.