Monday 20 February 2012

In this Contents page, I like how the main image fills up the whole of the page and the text stands out on the top of it. On this contents page, the title of the music magazine is still visible in the top left corner along with the date.

Contents Page 2

I like how, again, there is a main image and the text and the subsidiary image is placed around the image. The image is placed landscape over two pages which I find effective as it gives the reader a preview of what they can find further on. I like how the picture is taken behind the band as it shows us their point of view of the audience. I think that the text is easy to read and certain pieces of information stands out.

Contents Page 1

I Like this Contents Page because of the layout, I like how its set around the main article image. I like how the text is relevant to the image, and the text is a certain font and is still easy to read. I like how they put the other page numbers in a 'Plus' category.