Monday 16 January 2012

Music Article, Second draft

Going Back In Time With ClockWork
Clockwork is one of the most popular upcoming bands of 2012. Their Debut album, 'As The Time Goes By' has the potential to reach number one in both U.K and the U.S charts. People have been known to say that Clockwork are not only one of the best young bands they have heard in a long time, but their music is the freshest sound that they have heard.
Nick, Ed, Paul and John, started gigging in the small town of Kingston, in Paul's garage. They started off around the local pubs and as they began to get more publicity and recognition, they started to write more recognizable music which is now being played on local radio stations, such as, Radio Jackie. The first song that was played was their first EP, Beauty in her Eyes. The song was first written by Paul’s mother, as she wanted to become a producer when she was older but never got the chance. One of the presenters first introduced them back in 2009, under the heading of 'Bands to Look out for'. She wasn’t wrong, as they now are being shortlisted for major awards, such as, Sounds of 2012. One of their most recognizable tracks is called 'Hawk Eye' and it was used in the sport network for coverage of the popular cricket competition called 20/20. It wasn’t their aim, for their music to be used in sport coverage, but in a recent interview with our magazine, Ed said "We are delighted and honored that our music would even be considered in this sort of manner.”
The Kingston quintet has been tipped all around the world as the best band to come out of England, since The Beatles.
Nick then went on to say "We are grateful that our fans stuck with us throughout our difficult journey". This is a result of the band nearly splitting up in the early months of 2011, as Nick was admitted to rehab for drug mis-use, and some of the fans started to question Nick's credentials as a role model. They were reported to be going on a worldwide tour for their final months together, but those rumours were put down when they were asked to turn on the Christmas lights in Kingston Town center and to perform a street concert on New Year’s Eve.
Paul told us about the incident that first set up Nick’s downfall. “We had just finished recording a song for the album when Nick told me that he wasn’t feeling up for recording anymore, so he went home and me and the boys thought nothing of it. Fifty minutes later, I had a phone call, asking me to not only save Nick’s music career but also, his life. I drove as fast as I could, only to find the door, wide open, and empty wine bottles and beer cans, scattered all over the floor, and Nick, Sprawled, half on the sofa, and half on the floor, completely unconscious.
 I phoned the ambulance service, and out the corner of my eye, saw, one and a half lines of white powder on the table. This automatically made the situation worse, if the ambulance didn’t come soon, that was it, no more Nick, if truth be told!
Luckily, the paramedics arrived in time, and resuscitated him, and he went to hospital. When he recovered, rehab took over.
 I personally thought that Nick was fit and healthy, I was obviously wrong!
 We stuck by Nick, 24/7, despite the tabloids saying that Clockwork, were going to split, and sooner than expected, Nick was home, and we were recording songs, as soon as he was feeling up to it!”
They have recently been announced, as the supporting act to their inspirational band Mumford and Sons, set up by their record company called Vanderveeken records.
We Asked Clockwork, how they felt about touring with the band Mumford and Sons, John said this, “It genuinely is a privilege, as they were the band who inspired us to start in the music industry, this happened when we saw them live in the local theatre, doing a warm up tour, so to even be in the same room with them again is a massive privilege”.
Vanderveeken records was set up by a Canadian producer called Jamie Vanderveeken, who’s aim was to scout the music network, for the latest un-signed music acts which he thought deserved the chance.

Ed finished the interview by telling our readers to be on the lookout for tickets for Clockworks upcoming tour, which starts in November.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Double Page spread, first draft

Clockwork is one of the most popular upcoming bands of 2012. Their Debut album, 'as the time goes by' has the potential to reach number one in both U.K and the U.S charts. People have been known to say that Clockwork, are not only, one of the best young bands they have heard in a long time, but there music is the freshest sounds that they have heard.
Nick, Ed, Paul and John, started out in the small town of Kingston, in Paul's garage. They started off around the local pubs and as they started to get more publicity and recognition, they started to write more recognizable music which is now being played on local radio stations, such as, Radio Jackie. The first song that was played was their first EP, Beauty in her eyes. The song was first thought of by Paul’s mother, as she wanted to become a producer when she was older but never got the chance. One of the presenters first introduced them back in 2009, under the heading of 'bands to look out for'. She wasn’t wrong, as they now are being shortlisted for major awards, such as, sounds of 2012. One of their most recognizable tracks is called 'Hawk Eye' and it was used in the sport network for coverage of the popular cricket competition called 20/20. It wasn’t there aim, for their music to be used in sport coverage, but in a recent interview with our magazine, they said "we are delighted and honored that our music would even be considered in this sort of manor.”
The Kingston quintet has been tipped all around the world as the best band to come out of England, since The Beatles.
They then went on to say "we are grateful that our fans stuck with us throughout our difficult journey". This is a result of the band nearly splitting up in the early months of 2011, as Nick was admitted to rehab for drug miss-use, and some of the fans started to question Nick's credential as a role model. They were reported to be going on a worldwide tour for their final months together, but those rumors were put down when they were asked to turn on the Christmas lights in Kingston Town center and to perform a street concert on New Year’s Eve.
They have recently been announced to support their inspirational band Mumford and Sons, set up by their record company called Vanderveeken records. Vanderveeken records was set up by a Canadian producer called Jamie Vanderveeken, who’s aim was to scout the music network, for the latest unsigned music acts which he thought deserved the chance.
We Asked Clockwork, how they felt about touring with the band Mumford and Sons, they said this, “it genuinely is a privilege, as they were the band who inspired us to start in the music industry, this happened when we saw them live in the local theatre, doing a warm up tour, so to even be in the same room with them again is a massive privilege”.